Looking to Boost Your Child's Chances of Remaining Cavity Free?
For optimum dental health, the ADA and CDC recommend that children and teenagers receive a plastic coating on their back teeth called dental sealants. In fact, placing dental sealants on molars is the dental procedure with more evidence of preventing decay than any other dental procedure! Dental sealants are a thin, plastic coating painted on the rough chewing surfaces of your child's premolars and molars that harden with a bright blue light. Sealants cover the hard to clean pits and fissures present on the back molar teeth, preventing food and plaque from forming cavities. Dental sealants reduce cavities by an average of 75%, often protecting teeth for more than 10 years.
Sealants are typically applied to the first permanent molars about the age of 7, as soon as they fully erupt. Sealants are then applied once the child's permanent premolars and second molars erupt, around age 12. Sealing permanent teeth helps protect them through the most cavity-prone years, ages 6–14, but adults can also benefit from sealants if they have permanent teeth with no decay or dental work.
Although dental sealants should be placed before any decay starts, research shows that even if a small amount of decay has started, sealants can actually prevent the decay from progressing once the sealant is properly placed and maintained. Sealants are checked at each cleaning and should be repaired or replaced as necessary. Most dental insurances cover the application of sealant in children. Make sure that your child's teeth are properly protected with dental sealants.
To schedule an appointment, call (971) 470-0054.