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Ways of Ensuring Your Baby's Teeth Come in as Healthy as Possible

Posted on 9/7/2020 by Fariba Mutschler
Ways of Ensuring Your Baby's Teeth Come in as Healthy as PossibleWhether it's a good life or a healthy body, you probably want what's best for your child. Parents often forget that in addition to these things their baby's oral health is important too. Your baby's current oral health will not only determine their future oral health but also their development as they grow up.

A major step in your baby's dental development is when their first teeth come in. Teething babies can be quite the hassle. Teething causes babies' mild discomfort throughout the process. However, this is normal. There are a few steps you can take to ensure your baby's teeth come in as healthy as possible, so they have a good dental future ahead of them.

How to Improve the Dental Health of a Baby

Many parents whose babies start teething go to the store and pick up some supplies to help their baby's teeth come in properly. Before you do this, there are some things you should know first. One item many parents gravitate towards is teething rings. Teething rings advertise they can ease the pain of teething. However, they can also cause problems. Teething rings are bad for baby's teeth because they can cause damage to the gums and new teeth. Instead, you could soothe your baby's pain by over-the-counter medicine or natural remedies.

Another way to ensure that your baby's teeth are coming in the right way is to take them to our dental office for regular visits. A baby's first set of teeth are arguably the most important. Getting the proper care for them will ensure that they last until their adult teeth come in. During this time, we'll also be able to see if the teeth are coming in correctly. If you have a teething baby, give us a call. We'd be happy to discuss what you can do for your child when their teeth are coming in.
My daughter was a little nervous to have her dental work done but everyone in the office was super friendly and very reassuring and that helped her nervousness go away. Thanks for the excellent dental experience. ~ Lilyana G.

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Great Grins for KIDS Portland, 13908 SE Stark Street, Ste C, Portland, OR 97233-2161; (971) 470-0054;; 9/7/2024; Tags: pediatric dentist Portland;