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Invisalign Braces
Posted on 8/21/2015 by Fariba Mutschler
While lunching in the Oregon City Shopping Center, I read an article about using thin sheets of plastic (aligners) that are custom formed to patient teeth to correct a deep bite.

Now Invisalign has been making these types of orthodontic appliances for years but they require much more cost because they use many more of the plastic aligners.

This article described how to use one aligner with some rubber bands to do the same job at a fraction of the cost.

During tough financial times, having a lower cost alternative allows many more kids to get the braces they need.

Since I specialize in both Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics, I limit my practice to fillings and braces for children only. This means that kids that want invisable braces have to wait until all the primary teeth fall out and their second molars grow in.

Second molars usually grow in around age 12 so most pre-teens and teens get their braces in 6th or 7th grade.

What I like about the one aligner treatment (other than cost) is that is is fast and efficient and could be used even with primary teeth or before all the permanent teeth grow into the mouth.

The next teen that needs treatment of a deep bite will be offered this as an option for treatment. It should work well!
My daughter was a little nervous to have her dental work done but everyone in the office was super friendly and very reassuring and that helped her nervousness go away. Thanks for the excellent dental experience. ~ Lilyana G.

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Great Grins for KIDS Portland, 13908 SE Stark Street, Ste C, Portland, OR 97233-2161 ~ (971) 470-0054 ~ ~ 9/9/2024 ~ Related Phrases: pediatric dentist Portland ~