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When Do Baby Teeth Typically Fall Out?

Posted on 4/15/2024 by Weo Admin
Beautiful Black baby smiling after her parents made her an appointment at Great Grins for KIDS - Portland in Portland, ORNo one grows with their baby teeth into adulthood, at some point, baby teeth also known as deciduous teeth, fall out in a painless affair. These sets of teeth usually fall out on their own unless otherwise. If, however, the baby teeth are delaying falling out, or your kid has issues pulling them out, at this point, a visit to the dentist is vital to help extract the tooth safely.

Understanding Baby Tooth

Baby teeth are the first set of teeth your kid has. These teeth are also usually referred to as primary teeth or milk teeth. Primary teeth add up to 20 and start growing when the infant is roughly 6 months even though this period can vary from one child to another.

Usually, the central incisors are the first to erupt. These are often known as the front teeth. The lower teeth start erupting before their upper counterparts. By the time a child is roughly three years old, they have a complete set of teeth.

When do Kids Start Losing their Teeth?

Kids normally start losing their teeth when they are age 5 or 6. Nonetheless, every child is unique, and some may start having their baby teeth fall out as early as just age 4 while others at around age 7.

The front teeth are usually the first set to fall out, but again every child is different so expect anything. In the end, children often continue to lose their primary teeth until they reach age 12. The teeth should start falling out in the order in which they came in.

Why You Should Care for Baby Teeth

It's vital to care for your child's baby teeth even though they will fall out soon. These teeth, just like other teeth, are a fundamental part of dental development. Baby teeth help in maintaining the space for the permanent teeth and also help the infant to speak and chew well. Not caring for them could lead to decay, swelling, and pain for your child.

Early tooth loss due to decay can cause the neighboring teeth to drift and misalign in adulthood. If you understand more about your child's oral health, kindly speak to us, or visit us for more valuable insights.

My daughter was a little nervous to have her dental work done but everyone in the office was super friendly and very reassuring and that helped her nervousness go away. Thanks for the excellent dental experience. ~ Lilyana G.

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